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Everything posted by B@ghis...

  1. Numele meu :)/>) cica si emoticoane ...in ce lume traiesti frate! :| intai analizeazate pe tn si dupa sa vorvesti despre altcineva!
  2. Dar dc NU B@ghis il omoara pe akkad =)) si cu reincarcare armei Pro o sa fie super plin serveru!
  3. asta si-a facut cont doar pentru postu asta:))))
  4. Nick applicant: Nick complained: Date / Time: Reason: swearing / Code etc. Proof: Picture / demo / OWNER Please check the logs.
  5. Nick that you played on the server: Admin that banned you: Ip-ul/steam your id-u: Why did you get banned: Time / date when you got money: Proof:
  6. Nick: Proof: Map: Time (approximately):
  7. Nick: Yahoo ID: Steam ID: Age: Hours per server: [Minimum 15 hours]
  8. To access these special features necessary to collect points (XP) XP can be done in the following ways: 1. Planting bomb 2. Defuse bomb 3. Support for planting the bomb (which sit beside the plant) 4. Support defusing the bomb (which sit beside the disarming) 5. Release of hostages 6. Support release hostages (allergic besides the one who saved) 7. Winning round (get xp and decedatzii) 8. Following Kills 9. For head-shot When entering a server with War3 typing will be forced to choose between 1 and August 1 of the following? Characters? 1. Undead 2. HUMAN 3. ORC 4. NIGHT ELF 5. BLOOD MAGE 6. SHADOW HUNTER 7. WARDEN 8. Crypt Lord Each character has certain skills that are roughly similar to the game Warcraft 3 Frozen Trones (for connoisseurs) For a character to have all the skills you need to get to level 10. Levelurile are (on most servers) as follows: Level 1-100 XP Level 2-200 XP Level 3-400 XP Level 4 - 800 XP Level 5-1600 XP Level 6-3200 XP Level 7-6400 XP Level 8-12800 XP Level 9-25600 XP Level 10 to 52,200 XP Further on I will try to describe each character knows how to make. Mention that each character has 3 abilities and an ultimate evolutionary. The evolutionary abilities means that you climb skill by skill acumulat.Fiecare XP has 3 levels and the last one can be after skills are at level 3 Undead 1. Vampiric Aura: Receive (15% - level 1, 30% - 45%, level 2 or level 3) of the damage done to others in health for you. I mean if you kill the one with 100 health you get back 15, 30 or 45 health innapoi 2. Unholy Aura: get extra speed Pound the level where you are. Speed ​​will not matter in pounds of gun you have. You will run the same with AWP and knife 3. Levitation: Allows you to jump much higher due to lower gravity, so depending on level Latest: Suicide Bomber explode and kill you die all around HUMAN 1. Invisibility: become partially invisible (transparent) in the level Pound. The transparent state will be in a position comes with knife in hand 2. Devotion aura: you get the early round 115, 130 or 145 depending on the level healt 3. Bash: When you shoot at someone shot 15%, 30% or 45% to keep it in place for a second (MaxSpeed ​​is automatically set to 0 for a second) Latest: Teleport: - you can even teleport in unexpected places provided visualize where you want to teleport. (Note on some servers may take kick / ban if you teleport to places nepermisecum are roofs, crates? Etc.) ORC 1. Critical Strike will do damage by 2, 3, 4 times higher than normal every shot? depending on the level 2. Critical Grenade: The damage you do 2,4,6 or higher grenada 3. Equipment Reincarnation (Ankh) will give 33, 67, 100% a chance to get weapons and ammunition earlier round of last round even if you died. You will receive kevlar + helm innapoi ULTIMATE Chain Lightning: You make a? Arc? between you and your opponents damage visible with a rather large (approx 30-50 hp) NIGHT ELF 1. Evasion: Gives a chance to avoid bullets fired by opponents depending on level 2. Thorns Aura: do 10,20,30% damage? Mirror? the opponent that you hit the 3. Trueshot Aura: do 15,30,45% extra damage each bullet Latest: Entangle Roots partner immobilized for 10 sec BLOOD MAGE 1. Phoenix: 33,67,100% chance to revive you first partner killed 2. Banish: You slap the chance to do damage to opponents 7,13,20% at the beginning of the round. When you meet with them will already be injured 3. Siphon Mana: 2,4,8% of the money you steal those killed by you or colleagues Ultimate: Flame Strike - girl can send flames with high damage to enemies SHADOW HUNTER 1. Healing Wave: every second you and those around you get 1HP.Aria life according to level matters 2. Hex: when you target an enemy you have the chance to turn it into a Goober (not translated), which slows it more 3. Serpent Ward: Receive 1,2,3 guardian snakes that do damage to enemies close Latest: Big Bad Voodoo are invincible 2 seconds WARDEN 1. Fan of Knives: You 5,10,15% chance to become a mole - untranslatable 2. Blink: make Ultimatele disable all enemies closer. 33,67,100% 3. Shadow Strike: 15,30,45% chance you to send poisoned knives at enemies you meet them without giving any additional command Latest: Vengeance when you use this ultimate refurbish the 50 healt Crypt Lord 1. Impale: when the enemy hit him shaken and can not nimerii 2. Spiked Carapace: do (5%, 10% or 15%) mirror damage and give extra extra armor 3. Carrion Beetles: You have a much better chance (with 15,25,45%) to hit enemies (useful for beginners) Ultimate, Locust Swarm plenty of green locusts will come to enemies. If you have about 5 Crypt Lords team's possible to kill all enemies before aa view. I think it's the most annoying ULTIMATE for enemies. OTHER FEATURES I've talked ULTIMATE above. To use this feature you must assign a key to this capability through command console "bind key ultimate" example I use the arrow keys to move and used "PgDn ultimate bind". It should be noted that the function is declanseza Ultimate ULTIMATE pressing only. Other abilities are always active. Besides displayed above skills you can buy others by using shopmenu menu and shopmenu2. For the Aces these menus must write in console shopmenu or shopmenu2 or simply to make bind like this "bind F5 shopmenu" and "bind F6 shopmenu2". This means that by pressing F5 or F6 will enter a buy menu as shown below. Many are untranslatable but are very useful. I have to translate only a few. The rest also found one that really will give blackberry in the mouth! shopmenu 1. Ankh of Reincarnation - will be reborn after death in the 2. Boots of Speed ​​will give more speed 3. Claws of Attack +6 - 6 is damage to the normal 4. Cloak of Shadows will be partially hidden 5. Mask of Death 6. Necklace of Immunity Ultimatele have no effect on you 7. Orb of Frost 8. Periapt of Health - receive extra hp 9. Tome of Experience shopmenu2 1. Scroll of Respawning - if you die revived under 2. Mole Protectant 3. Amulet of the Cat not hear footsteps 4. Sock of the Feather 5. Helm of Excellence can not make head shot 6. Flaming Gloves of Warmth - get a grenada every 15 sec 7. Ring of Regeneration +1 (can take 5 rings) each get 1 hp / sec 8. Chameleon will make you look like the enemy but your (enemy clothes) 9. Mole hmm when you start the next round in the enemy camp dressed as enemy ... (Devastating, frustrating enemy ... for Twisted Evil Other useful commands to know (translated) war3menu war3ft Displays the main menu. Displays the MOTD war3help war3ft help. Displays changerace the race selection menu. shopmenu Displays the first shop menu with common items. Displays the second shop shopmenu2 menu with common items. itemsinfo Displays the first item help MOTD. itemsinfo2 Displays the second item help MOTD. Displays the MOTD information skillsinfo skills. selectskill Displays the skill selection menu. playerskills Displays a list of players on the server and Their current skills / Ultimates Level Displays the player's current level, skills, and Ultimate. Ultimate Cast's the player's ultimate if one is available and ready. resetskills Resets the player's skills allowing Them Them to re-select. resetxp Resets the player's XP to 0. Uses the player's Ability Ability if one is available and ready. Will purchase the maximum amount rings of rings Possible (up to 5). Commands Description war3menu war3ft Displays the main menu. Displays the MOTD war3help war3ft help. Displays changerace the race selection menu. shopmenu Displays the first shop menu with common items. Displays the second shop shopmenu2 menu with common items. itemsinfo Displays the first item help MOTD. itemsinfo2 Displays the second item help MOTD. Displays the MOTD information skillsinfo skills. selectskill Displays the skill selection menu. playerskills Displays a list of players on the server and Their current skills / Ultimates. Level Displays the player's current level, skills, and Ultimate. resetskills Resets the player's skills allowing Them Them to re-select. resetxp Resets the player's XP to 0. Uses the player's Ability Ability if one is available and ready. Will purchase the maximum amount rings of rings Possible (up to 5). Shows or hides icons icons above players' heads (not for DOD). savexp Saves the player's XP (if mp_savexp is enabled).
  9. PRO , chiar daca ai 11 ani te cunosc bn si stiu Ca esti Capabil!si te vad mereu pe server...:)/>
  10. Aici puteti discuta despre orice!
  11. Nick reclamant: Nick reclamat: Data/ora: Motiv: injura / cod etc Dovada: Poza / demo / rog owneri sa verifice logurile.
  12. Nick : Ip/SteamID: Ora primirii banului: Harta: Motivul banului: Adminii care erau pe server: Pozele fãcute de admin:
  13. Nick : Dovada: Harta: Data/Ora ( cu aproximatie) :
  14. Nick: Vârstã: Steam On/Off: Ore jucate [Minim 15]: Contact: Y!M , Skype , etc.: Data Ultimei Cereri Slot: Pentru a primi SLOT trebuie sa indepliniti cateva cerinte: http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/577/tt9a4n6u.gif- 15 h activitate pe server http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/577/tt9a4n6u.gif- activ forum http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/577/tt9a4n6u.gif- Cei care au slot trb sa joace 7 h pe saptamana pentru a nu loa remove ! Cine nu indeplineste Cerintele Nu va obositi pentru Cerere Slot!
  15. Nick: Vârstã: Oraș: Steam On/Off: Ore : jucate [Minim 30]: Contact: Y!M , Skype , etc.: Experiențã în adminat: Alegeti gradul de admin dorit: Ce culoare are ursu ? : UP-Grade se face la o luna de la ULTIMA CERERE !!! ( alfel nu va fii luata in considerare ) Indiferent de voturi decizia finala este luata de catre owneri
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