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Adinutza este contul tau, este activ, daca nu te poti loga cu parola cu care te-ai inregistrat incerci cu recuperare parola, daca nici asa nu merge dai un mail la adresa [email protected] cu numele si cu ce parola doresti si se rezolva
i-am dat eu exterminate
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Regulament TeamSpeak3 - Ts3.Steams.Ro Important In cazul în care sunteţi deranjaţi pe unul din canalele publice/private, vă rugăm contacţati un Administrator, Super Moderator, sau un Moderator. Nu percepem nici un fel de taxă pentru canale permanente, grade de pe TeamSpeak sau orice altceva ce are legatură cu TeamSpeak 3. Nu tratati un membru al Administratiei cu disrespect, in caz contrar se vor aplica sanctiuni. Regulament General Nu faceţi reclamă în nickname sau în numele, topicul ori descripţia canalului. Nu folosiţi nickname-uri obscene sau jignitoare, avatare porno ori descripţii ofensatoare. Nu puneţi muzică pe canalele publice fără acordul participanţilor şi evitaţi certurile. Pentru discuţii aprinse sau intime folosiţi un canal privat. Nu folosiți un limbaj vulgar, jignitor sau de orice fel. Conectarea de pe mai mult de 3 identități (pe același ip) duce la restricționarea accesului pe TeamSpeak permanent. Informații // Canale Permanente [ Accese ] Cei cu grad "Admin pe acest canal" au tot dreptul de a da kick sau ban persoanelor nepoftite pe canalul respectiv, deasemenea, pot edita parola, descripția şi imaginea canalului după cum poftesc. Cei cu grad "Admin pe acest canal" pot muta o persoana de pe canalul curent catre un alt canal unde detine acelasi grad. Cei cu grad "Operator pe acest canal' pot da kick sau ban persoanelor nepoftite pe canalul respectiv. Cei cu grad "Voice" pot vorbii pe canal (In caz ca, canalul respectiv este moderat) Cei cu grad "Mut pe acest canal" interzice: Vorbirea / Mesajele / Poke-urile pe canalul respectiv de la persoana care are acest grad. Informații // Canale Permanente [ Creare ] La crearea unui Canal Permanent, un singur "Admin pe acest Canal" va fi oferit de către Administrație, Admin pe acest Canal are tot dreptul sa dea mai departe același grad, însa pe proprie răspundere Întrucât orice cerere vine către administrație de la un "Admin pe acest canal" va fi tratata ca și cum ar fi fost primita de la creatorul canalului. Numele unui canal Permanent nu trebuie sa înceapă cu un simbol sau cifra. exemplu: Numele canalului NU trebuie sa conțină mai putin de 4 caractere. exemplu: z / zet / ja / aAa / etc. Pentru canale permanente, va rugam creați o noua cerere aici sau contactați un Administrator, Super-Moderator sau Moderator. De altfel, aveți în vedere ca orice canal din secțiunea CANALE PERMANENTE se va șterge din următoarele motive: Lipsa activitate, încălcarea regulamentului de către proprietarul acestuia. Informații // Secțiunea "Servere Publice" Fiecare server din comunitate ce deține un DNS de tip "exemplu.steams.ro" beneficiază de un canal în secțiunea Servere Publice sub același nume. Crearea unui astfel de canal nu va fi automata, fiind necesar o cerere pe forum. (Vezi Canale Permanente [ Creare ] ) In cazul în care dețineți un canal de tip SERVER.STEAMS.RO // este interzis sa puneți parola. Puteți pune pe sub-canalele aferente precum STAFF ONLY ( Aceasta regula a fost implementata întrucât acest tip de canale sunt puse în rubrica "Servere Publice" ) // In caz contrar parola va fi eliminata de catre un Administrator/Super-Moderator sau Moderator, in caz de insistenta canalul va fi sters fara o notificare in prealabil. Informații // Canale Temporare [ Regulament si Creare ] Admin pe Canal va fi primit automat odata cu crearea unui nou canal Temporar. Acest tip de canal nu trebuie sa includa cuvinte jignitoare, ofensatorii. [ In caz contrar canalul va fi sters, in caz de insistenta se risca un ban intre 30min - 1ora ] Reclamatii Pentru fiecare reclamație se va face un nou thread aici, in conținut sa fie precizat numele reclamatului. Orice reclamație nou deschisa trebuie sa aibă o dovada (înregistrare sunet sau screenshot) pentru constatare, in caz contrar reclamatia va fi declarata 'Invalida'. In fiecare reclamație nou deschisa, postează doar reclamantul , adminul reclamat si staff-ul steams. In caz contrar veți fi sancționați. Intr-o reclamatie adresata catre un membru din Administratie, va posta un alt membru al Staffului (adica nu cel reclamat). Se tine cont insa, fara o dovada plauzibila cuvantul unui Administrator/Super-Moderator sau Moderator este pioritar in orice conjunctura.
da-mi add pe mess... sa vb acolo steams_ro
nu aveti pentru ce... daca mai e ceva ma gasiti aici
care sunt canalele pe care le doriti?
serverul si-a schimbat numele in romania.steams.ro
pro, pm la mine sau akkad cu categoriile
pro si eu, pm la mine sau akkad cu categoriile
View File PsychoStats - PHP 7.1.0+ This is, yet another, unofficial version of PsychoStats by Stormtrooper. Updated to work with PHP 7.1.0+ and MySQL*/MariaDB 5.5.0+. The minimum required version of Perl is 5.08. * Oracle's MySQL 8.0+ is NOT supported. Please use MariaDB instead. Note that as of the release of version 3.2.7b on June 4, 2021, and specifically the change before that when the character encoding for the database was updated, if you do not drop and recreate your database, certain functionality will break. You are strongly advised not to run the new web front end on an old database created before those changes were implemented. All of the versions on this repository and the game support repositories should be considered beta software as at this time we do not have the access to game servers necessary to thoroughly test releases. Prior to 2010 PsychoStats was tested on thousands of websites with logs from thousands of game servers. The base PsychoStats code should be robust and stable, the changes that have been made have been relatively minor, so it stands to reason that the code is still robust and stable, but there are no guarantees. There was one serious known security vulnerability and that has been fixed. Most of the "fixes" were already present in the code, as Stormtrooper was aware of some of the changes to PHP that had, at that time, recently been made, or had been announced. Very little had to actually be rewritten, and where rewriting was required the changes were pretty minor. There were a number of minor syntax changes, especially with regards to mysqli. Flag icon images and many map and overlay images have been converted from jpg and png to webp. There is a slight decrease in image quality that is not noticeable unless you are specifically looking for it, and know what to look for. The trade off is that the webp images are much smaller, require less bandwidth and will load faster. This version of PsychoStats currently supports the following games: We are always looking for server logs to allow for testing and improved game support. The Battle Grounds III Call of Duty 4X Counter-Strike Counter-Strike: Source Day of Defeat Firearms 3.0 Natural Selection Team Fortress Classic There are also modules available for the following games, but they are untested and may not be functional: If you wish to improve support for these games we will require server logs. Call of Duty 4 Day of Defeat: Source Gun Game Gun Game: Source Half-Life Death Match Half-Life 2 Death Match Soldat Team Fortress 2 We have, for the most part, tried not to make changes to the way Psychostats works, by default. However, one or two changes have been made that reflect personal biases, to make the process of reinstalling Psychostats hundreds of times more convenient as it has been worked on. One of those is that the bonus for an ffkill is now -10. Winning games or rounds is really the entire point, far more important than k:d ratios, this is reflected in the bonuses that have been added for team wins. If you don't like those changes they are easy to edit in the Admin Control Panel. One other significant change is that the resolution for bonuses has been changed to one decimal place, so you can now create bonuses that are 0.1 etc. There were bonuses for events that can happen very often, such as medic heals in Team Fortress Classic, that were too large if they were a full point or more. Most of the links and references to psychostats.com have been removed as that domain is no longer actively maintained. The only exception is the xml database that provides GeoIP data for the flags functionality. That appears to still be hosted. All of the references to Stormtrooper's email address have been removed. You can view working demos of PsychoStats at the following links: Note that this is a testing environment and as such the availability of the demos will not be 100%, 24/7. The Battle Grounds III Firearms 3.0 Natural Selection Team Fortress Classic Known Issues The plan for the following issues is to either fix them, or improve them, in future versions: One of the biggest problems with PsychoStats is that psychostats.com no longer hosts the documentation that it once did. The events for Firearms and Team Fortress Classic have not been thoroughly analyzed and tested. The team wins and losses for Firearms don't work extremely well or consistently. Stuff that Remains Untested The contents of the "addons" folder are largely unexplored with the exception of the AMX Mod X ps_heatmaps script, which does work. The contents of the "scripts" folder are also largely unexplored. Most of them should be self explanatory but they should be considered untested. Future Plans Copy the old PsychoStats wiki content from The Wayback Machine to the GitHub wiki. Create a PschoStats HELP page and supporting software infrastructure. A Note Regarding the Cookie Consent, a.k.a. GDPR and CCPA Compliance If you choose to enable Cookie Consent, in the Admin CP Security section, by default no cookies will be saved in users browsers. Cookies must be accepted for them to be saved by users in their browsers. If cookeies are not accepted users will be able to browse the stats but they will not be able to register or log into an account if those options are enabled or if they already have an account. They will also not be able to log into an admin account if they have one, or choose anything other than the default theme or language support. Credits Thank you to Jason Morriss, a.k.a. Stormtrooper, for all his oringinal work. This software deserves to be used. The period between 2000 and 2005 and all the old Half-Life and Source mods represent a golden age in PC game modding. Those games deserve to be played. With a little massaging most of them still run very well on new hardware and new operating systems. Kudos to Valve as well for maintaining their back catalogue. Credit to wakachamo, Rosenstein, Solomenka and janzagata for their contributions. Thanks also to RoboCop from APG for his support and encouragement. The basic text for the default privacy policy has been copied from the default WordPress privacy policy. Games: ps_tfc-main.zip ps_natural-main.zip ps_firearms-main.zip ps_dod-main.zip ps_cstrikes-main.zip ps_cstrike-main.zip ps_cod4x-main.zip ps_bg3-main.zip Modules: ps_hl2dm-main.zip ps_soldat-main.zip ps_tf2-main.zip ps_cod4-main.zip ps_dods-main.zip ps_gungame-main.zip ps_gungames-main.zip ps_hldm-main.zip Submitter alex Submitted 01/14/2013 Category Web Scripts
- psychostats3.2
- psychostats
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
Version v3.2.7b
This is, yet another, unofficial version of PsychoStats by Stormtrooper. Updated to work with PHP 7.1.0+ and MySQL*/MariaDB 5.5.0+. The minimum required version of Perl is 5.08. * Oracle's MySQL 8.0+ is NOT supported. Please use MariaDB instead. Note that as of the release of version 3.2.7b on June 4, 2021, and specifically the change before that when the character encoding for the database was updated, if you do not drop and recreate your database, certain functionality will break. You are strongly advised not to run the new web front end on an old database created before those changes were implemented. All of the versions on this repository and the game support repositories should be considered beta software as at this time we do not have the access to game servers necessary to thoroughly test releases. Prior to 2010 PsychoStats was tested on thousands of websites with logs from thousands of game servers. The base PsychoStats code should be robust and stable, the changes that have been made have been relatively minor, so it stands to reason that the code is still robust and stable, but there are no guarantees. There was one serious known security vulnerability and that has been fixed. Most of the "fixes" were already present in the code, as Stormtrooper was aware of some of the changes to PHP that had, at that time, recently been made, or had been announced. Very little had to actually be rewritten, and where rewriting was required the changes were pretty minor. There were a number of minor syntax changes, especially with regards to mysqli. Flag icon images and many map and overlay images have been converted from jpg and png to webp. There is a slight decrease in image quality that is not noticeable unless you are specifically looking for it, and know what to look for. The trade off is that the webp images are much smaller, require less bandwidth and will load faster. This version of PsychoStats currently supports the following games: We are always looking for server logs to allow for testing and improved game support. The Battle Grounds III Call of Duty 4X Counter-Strike Counter-Strike: Source Day of Defeat Firearms 3.0 Natural Selection Team Fortress Classic There are also modules available for the following games, but they are untested and may not be functional: If you wish to improve support for these games we will require server logs. Call of Duty 4 Day of Defeat: Source Gun Game Gun Game: Source Half-Life Death Match Half-Life 2 Death Match Soldat Team Fortress 2 We have, for the most part, tried not to make changes to the way Psychostats works, by default. However, one or two changes have been made that reflect personal biases, to make the process of reinstalling Psychostats hundreds of times more convenient as it has been worked on. One of those is that the bonus for an ffkill is now -10. Winning games or rounds is really the entire point, far more important than k:d ratios, this is reflected in the bonuses that have been added for team wins. If you don't like those changes they are easy to edit in the Admin Control Panel. One other significant change is that the resolution for bonuses has been changed to one decimal place, so you can now create bonuses that are 0.1 etc. There were bonuses for events that can happen very often, such as medic heals in Team Fortress Classic, that were too large if they were a full point or more. Most of the links and references to psychostats.com have been removed as that domain is no longer actively maintained. The only exception is the xml database that provides GeoIP data for the flags functionality. That appears to still be hosted. All of the references to Stormtrooper's email address have been removed. You can view working demos of PsychoStats at the following links: Note that this is a testing environment and as such the availability of the demos will not be 100%, 24/7. The Battle Grounds III Firearms 3.0 Natural Selection Team Fortress Classic Known Issues The plan for the following issues is to either fix them, or improve them, in future versions: One of the biggest problems with PsychoStats is that psychostats.com no longer hosts the documentation that it once did. The events for Firearms and Team Fortress Classic have not been thoroughly analyzed and tested. The team wins and losses for Firearms don't work extremely well or consistently. Stuff that Remains Untested The contents of the "addons" folder are largely unexplored with the exception of the AMX Mod X ps_heatmaps script, which does work. The contents of the "scripts" folder are also largely unexplored. Most of them should be self explanatory but they should be considered untested. Future Plans Copy the old PsychoStats wiki content from The Wayback Machine to the GitHub wiki. Create a PschoStats HELP page and supporting software infrastructure. A Note Regarding the Cookie Consent, a.k.a. GDPR and CCPA Compliance If you choose to enable Cookie Consent, in the Admin CP Security section, by default no cookies will be saved in users browsers. Cookies must be accepted for them to be saved by users in their browsers. If cookeies are not accepted users will be able to browse the stats but they will not be able to register or log into an account if those options are enabled or if they already have an account. They will also not be able to log into an admin account if they have one, or choose anything other than the default theme or language support. Credits Thank you to Jason Morriss, a.k.a. Stormtrooper, for all his oringinal work. This software deserves to be used. The period between 2000 and 2005 and all the old Half-Life and Source mods represent a golden age in PC game modding. Those games deserve to be played. With a little massaging most of them still run very well on new hardware and new operating systems. Kudos to Valve as well for maintaining their back catalogue. Credit to wakachamo, Rosenstein, Solomenka and janzagata for their contributions. Thanks also to RoboCop from APG for his support and encouragement. The basic text for the default privacy policy has been copied from the default WordPress privacy policy. Games: ps_tfc-main.zip ps_natural-main.zip ps_firearms-main.zip ps_dod-main.zip ps_cstrikes-main.zip ps_cstrike-main.zip ps_cod4x-main.zip ps_bg3-main.zip Modules: ps_hl2dm-main.zip ps_soldat-main.zip ps_tf2-main.zip ps_cod4-main.zip ps_dods-main.zip ps_gungame-main.zip ps_gungames-main.zip ps_hldm-main.zip- 1 review
- psychostats3.2
- psychostats
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
Version v3.0
What is war3ft? Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne (war3ft) is an AMX MOD X plugin developed for Counter-Strike, Condition Zero, and Day of Defeat. It features 8 races (with a 9th that allows server operators to choose custom skills) and 2 shopmenus to extend normal play. How to Play When you enter a server running war3ft, you will be presented with a race selection screen. Simply choose a race and you can start playing! But you might want to bind some keys to get the full experience. Binding Keys To bind a key simply press the ` key on your keyboard to bring up the console and type "bind key command" depending on what key/command you would like. Then you want to bind the following commands: [*]shopmenu [*]shopmenu2 [*]ultimate [*]ability [*]levitation My favorite keys to bind is this combination: [*]bind "-" "shopmenu" [*]bind "=" shopmenu2 [*]bind "mouse3" "ultimate" [*]bind "alt" "ability" You can put it in the file config.cfg . You can then use the - and = keys to show the 2 different shopmenus, you can use the 3rd mouse button (on the clickwheel) to use your ultimate and you can press the alt key to trigger your ability. Other Commands There are also a multitude of commands you can type into chat: (slash is not required) [*]/ability - Will use your ability (currently only serpent wards) [*]/changerace - Allows you to change your race [*]/itemsinfo - Shows you a list of items and what they do [*]/itemsinfo2 - Shows you a list of items in the second shopmenu [*]/level - Shows you what race, level and skills you have [*]/levitation - Enable or disables the low gravity ability (version 3.x only) [*]/ms or /movespeed - Shows your current movespeed (version 3.x only) [*]/playerskills - Shows you what skills other players have chosen [*]/selectskill - Allows you to select skills for your race [*]/shopmenu - Displays shopmenu 1 [*]/shopmenu2 - Displays shopmenu 2 [*]/skillsinfo - Shows you what each skill does for the race you have selected [*]/war3help - Displays the help menu [*]/war3menu - Show the war3ft menu, in which you can chose all this and more Race/Skill Information Undead Scourge [*]Vampiric Aura: Gives you a percentage of the damage you do in attack back as health [*]Unholy Aura: Gives you a speed boost, also all weapons make you go at the same speed [*]Levitation: Allows you to jump higher by reducing your gravity [*]Ultimate, Suicide Bomber: When you die you will explode killing nearby enemies and regenerate Human Alliance [*]Invisibility: Makes you partially invisible, you will be harder to see, holding knife will make them more invisible [*]Devotion Aura: Gives you additional health at the start of the round. [*]Bash: When you shoot someone you have a chance of rendering them immobile for 1 second [*]Ultimate, Teleport: Allows you to teleport to where you aim Orcish Horde [*]Critical Strike: Gives you a chance of doing more damage [*]Critical Grenade: Grenades will ALWAYS do a much greater amount of damage [*]Reincarnation (Day of Defeat): Gives you a chance of spawning where you died [*]Equipment Reincarnation (Counter-Strike/Condition Zero): Gives you a chance of regaining your equipment on death [*]Ultimate, Chain Lightning: Discharges a bolt of lightning that jumps to all nearby enemies Night Elf of Kalimdore [*]Evasion: Gives you a chance of evading each shot [*]Thorns Aura: Does mirror damage to the person who shot you [*]Trueshot Aura: Does extra damage to the enemy [*]Ultimate, Entangle Roots: Allows you to prevent an enemy player from moving for 10 seconds Blood Mage [*]Pheonix (Day of Defeat): You will gain a bonus ($300, $600, $900) with each kill, half of this is also awarded to nearby teammates [*]Pheonix (Counter-Strike/Condition Zero): You have a chance of reviving the fist teammate who dies [*]Banish: You have a chance of banishing your enemy into another plane of existance (they get teleported away for 1 second) [*]Siphon Mana: Steal money from enemy [*]Ultimate, Flame Strike: Burn an enemy player over time Shadow Hunter [*]Healing Wave: Heals yourself and your nearby teammates [*]Hex: You have a chance of slowing your enemy and disabling all skills for a short period of time [*]Serpent Ward: You receive serpent wards each round that damage nearby enemy units, bind a key to ability (or say ability) to plant one [*]Ultimate, Bid Bad Voodoo: Invincibility for 3 seconds Warden [*]Fan of Knives: You have a chance of becoming a mole [*]Blink: Disables enemy ultimates (all at level 3) [*]Shadow Strike: You have a chance of hurling a poisoned dagger at the enemy [*]Ultimate, Vengeance: Respawn once with 50 health Crypt Lord [*]Impale: Distorts the enemy (a chance to shake your enemy's screen for a bit) [*]Spiked Carapace: Does mirror damage to the person who shot you, you also gain armor [*]Carrion Beetles: You have a chance of beetles attacking the enemy [*]Ultimate, Locust Swarm: A Swarm of Locusts attacks the enemy Chameleon This race is configurable by the server administrator. Either it will have random skills on each round, or it will have set skills every round. Item Information Note: some things are configurable by server Shopmenu 1 [*] [*]Ankh of Reincarnation: If you die you will retrieve your equipment the following round [*]Boots of Speed: Allows you to run faster [*]Claws of Attack +6: An additional 6 hp will be removed from the enemy on every hit [*]Cloak of Shadows: Makes you partially invisible, invisibility is increased when holding the knife [*]Mask of Death: You will receive health for every hit on the enemy [*]Necklace of Immunity: You will be immune enemy ultimates [*]Orb of Frost: Slows your enemy down when you hit him [*]Periapt of Health: Receive extra health [*]Tome of Experience: Automatically gain experience, the item is used on purchase Shopmenu 2 [*] [*]Scroll of Respawning: You will respawn after death [*]Mole Protectant: You will be immune to attacks done by a mole [*]Amulet of the Cat: You cannot be heard when running/going up ladders [*]Sock of the Feather: You will be given low gravity [*]Helm of Excellence: Immune to headshots [*]Flaming Gloves of Warmth: Given a nade every 10 seconds [*]Ring of Regeneration: Gives 1 health every 2 seconds, you can have a maximum of 5 (type rings to receive 5) [*]Chameleon: Your skin will change so you look like the enemy [*]Mole: Teleported to enemy spawn at the start of the next round and your skin is changed to look like the enemy Miscellaneous Your ultimate is the 4th skill that you can choose once you reach level 6. It is activatable by the ultimate command. Also, the ability command is currently only used to play serpent wards. For change language of war3ft type in the console, amx_langmenu et choose your language- 1 review
- war3ft v3.0 rc14
- frozen throne
- (and 6 more)
View File Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne What is war3ft? Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne (war3ft) is an AMX MOD X plugin developed for Counter-Strike, Condition Zero, and Day of Defeat. It features 8 races (with a 9th that allows server operators to choose custom skills) and 2 shopmenus to extend normal play. How to Play When you enter a server running war3ft, you will be presented with a race selection screen. Simply choose a race and you can start playing! But you might want to bind some keys to get the full experience. Binding Keys To bind a key simply press the ` key on your keyboard to bring up the console and type "bind key command" depending on what key/command you would like. Then you want to bind the following commands: [*]shopmenu [*]shopmenu2 [*]ultimate [*]ability [*]levitation My favorite keys to bind is this combination: [*]bind "-" "shopmenu" [*]bind "=" shopmenu2 [*]bind "mouse3" "ultimate" [*]bind "alt" "ability" You can put it in the file config.cfg . You can then use the - and = keys to show the 2 different shopmenus, you can use the 3rd mouse button (on the clickwheel) to use your ultimate and you can press the alt key to trigger your ability. Other Commands There are also a multitude of commands you can type into chat: (slash is not required) [*]/ability - Will use your ability (currently only serpent wards) [*]/changerace - Allows you to change your race [*]/itemsinfo - Shows you a list of items and what they do [*]/itemsinfo2 - Shows you a list of items in the second shopmenu [*]/level - Shows you what race, level and skills you have [*]/levitation - Enable or disables the low gravity ability (version 3.x only) [*]/ms or /movespeed - Shows your current movespeed (version 3.x only) [*]/playerskills - Shows you what skills other players have chosen [*]/selectskill - Allows you to select skills for your race [*]/shopmenu - Displays shopmenu 1 [*]/shopmenu2 - Displays shopmenu 2 [*]/skillsinfo - Shows you what each skill does for the race you have selected [*]/war3help - Displays the help menu [*]/war3menu - Show the war3ft menu, in which you can chose all this and more Race/Skill Information Undead Scourge [*]Vampiric Aura: Gives you a percentage of the damage you do in attack back as health [*]Unholy Aura: Gives you a speed boost, also all weapons make you go at the same speed [*]Levitation: Allows you to jump higher by reducing your gravity [*]Ultimate, Suicide Bomber: When you die you will explode killing nearby enemies and regenerate Human Alliance [*]Invisibility: Makes you partially invisible, you will be harder to see, holding knife will make them more invisible [*]Devotion Aura: Gives you additional health at the start of the round. [*]Bash: When you shoot someone you have a chance of rendering them immobile for 1 second [*]Ultimate, Teleport: Allows you to teleport to where you aim Orcish Horde [*]Critical Strike: Gives you a chance of doing more damage [*]Critical Grenade: Grenades will ALWAYS do a much greater amount of damage [*]Reincarnation (Day of Defeat): Gives you a chance of spawning where you died [*]Equipment Reincarnation (Counter-Strike/Condition Zero): Gives you a chance of regaining your equipment on death [*]Ultimate, Chain Lightning: Discharges a bolt of lightning that jumps to all nearby enemies Night Elf of Kalimdore [*]Evasion: Gives you a chance of evading each shot [*]Thorns Aura: Does mirror damage to the person who shot you [*]Trueshot Aura: Does extra damage to the enemy [*]Ultimate, Entangle Roots: Allows you to prevent an enemy player from moving for 10 seconds Blood Mage [*]Pheonix (Day of Defeat): You will gain a bonus ($300, $600, $900) with each kill, half of this is also awarded to nearby teammates [*]Pheonix (Counter-Strike/Condition Zero): You have a chance of reviving the fist teammate who dies [*]Banish: You have a chance of banishing your enemy into another plane of existance (they get teleported away for 1 second) [*]Siphon Mana: Steal money from enemy [*]Ultimate, Flame Strike: Burn an enemy player over time Shadow Hunter [*]Healing Wave: Heals yourself and your nearby teammates [*]Hex: You have a chance of slowing your enemy and disabling all skills for a short period of time [*]Serpent Ward: You receive serpent wards each round that damage nearby enemy units, bind a key to ability (or say ability) to plant one [*]Ultimate, Bid Bad Voodoo: Invincibility for 3 seconds Warden [*]Fan of Knives: You have a chance of becoming a mole [*]Blink: Disables enemy ultimates (all at level 3) [*]Shadow Strike: You have a chance of hurling a poisoned dagger at the enemy [*]Ultimate, Vengeance: Respawn once with 50 health Crypt Lord [*]Impale: Distorts the enemy (a chance to shake your enemy's screen for a bit) [*]Spiked Carapace: Does mirror damage to the person who shot you, you also gain armor [*]Carrion Beetles: You have a chance of beetles attacking the enemy [*]Ultimate, Locust Swarm: A Swarm of Locusts attacks the enemy Chameleon This race is configurable by the server administrator. Either it will have random skills on each round, or it will have set skills every round. Item Information Note: some things are configurable by server Shopmenu 1 [*] [*]Ankh of Reincarnation: If you die you will retrieve your equipment the following round [*]Boots of Speed: Allows you to run faster [*]Claws of Attack +6: An additional 6 hp will be removed from the enemy on every hit [*]Cloak of Shadows: Makes you partially invisible, invisibility is increased when holding the knife [*]Mask of Death: You will receive health for every hit on the enemy [*]Necklace of Immunity: You will be immune enemy ultimates [*]Orb of Frost: Slows your enemy down when you hit him [*]Periapt of Health: Receive extra health [*]Tome of Experience: Automatically gain experience, the item is used on purchase Shopmenu 2 [*] [*]Scroll of Respawning: You will respawn after death [*]Mole Protectant: You will be immune to attacks done by a mole [*]Amulet of the Cat: You cannot be heard when running/going up ladders [*]Sock of the Feather: You will be given low gravity [*]Helm of Excellence: Immune to headshots [*]Flaming Gloves of Warmth: Given a nade every 10 seconds [*]Ring of Regeneration: Gives 1 health every 2 seconds, you can have a maximum of 5 (type rings to receive 5) [*]Chameleon: Your skin will change so you look like the enemy [*]Mole: Teleported to enemy spawn at the start of the next round and your skin is changed to look like the enemy Miscellaneous Your ultimate is the 4th skill that you can choose once you reach level 6. It is activatable by the ultimate command. Also, the ability command is currently only used to play serpent wards. For change language of war3ft type in the console, amx_langmenu et choose your language Submitter alex Submitted 01/13/2013 Category Server Mods
- warcraft
- warcraft 3 frozen throne
- (and 6 more)
ia fa-mi si mie un addons pentru un server clasic (pluginurile sa aibe si sma) ms